Election Fever

They have campaigned in almost all districts now. They have traversed the country seeking acceptance from the people . Promises have been made. Accusations were not left behind in the mix. The Electoral Comminission in conjuction with the Uganda Police have promised all will be well. The Police is now backed by the army. Many young men and women have got themselves jobs as election monitors (Is that what Kayihura called them?)

In other news, Ms. Betti Kamya was disharged yesterday from IHK. She was all smiles and thankful to friends and supporters. She still looked weak though.

As we get closer to election day, you have heard the ads: Vote Issues NOT Wolokoso. I wish to add my advice. Before you cast your vote, think twice and ask your self this question:

Listen to Him

Let us unite for a peaceful election.

For God and my country.

Stylish & Versatile Bloggers AWARD

For this award, I have to thank the Ugandan Girl. She was kind and generous enough to see me fit for this award, shouts out to you ! Here are the 7 things that might define me….so I hope!
– 1. I am the only one in my family who was born by ceaserian section….in a family of 4 boys and 1 girl.
– 2. I have recently discovered that my life revolves around Christ…..much as I have tried to sideline, He has been amazingly persistent and patient with me. Every breath that I take I glorify Him.
– 3. I was in P. 6 for three years….in three different countries….in three different languages….
-4.  Lately, I have been feeling like a shadow. The real me has taken a vacation…..and I do not know when he is coming back.
– 5. I am lucky to be born in an amazingly wonderful family. Then my friends…no need to mention names…my heart goes out to reach  you. I have met great people with even greater personalities on twitter and blogger. And of course, I could never forget the PiFFers!
– 6. I got my extremely curly hair from my father, my culinary skills from Pascal and I am a winner!
– 7. If I could change the world – I would make you smile! You the reader, the beggar, the brother, the sister….Lets spread the smile….it is contagious!
After getting to know and visiting a few bloggers I have discovered style and versatility that I never thought existed. I thus nominate: darlkom , bazanye , Angella, TRP , MariNo , UgInsomniac , normzo , Lulu, Rhino ,SK .
For this award the rules are clear;

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 other bloggers.(Really?)
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they have won.

Food for thought.
 “We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die.” Albert Camus.