Silent pain

I have been too quiet….battling for life & love alike.  I learnt that the person I thought was my “girlfriend” has been moving out with someone else while I was here at the frontline fighting to bring the bread to the table.

As if not enough, tragedy does not hit single-handedly, it comes in pairs. I almost lost my life to Celiac Disease. I have been literally struggling to keep up and my boss can not allow me a sick leave.

I visited the blog of that Ugandan Insomniac, in her most recent blog, she talks about a Dr. Richard Wrangham. This doctor did his tests on chimps…..for crying out loud!!

I like his take on bachelors: “….that bachelors have a very hard time of it. They are thin, they are looked down upon by married men, they deeply desire to have a wife in order to be able to join the ranks of the elders. The problem that bachelors face is that they have to spend time during the day not simply doing things that will bring them glory — like hunting — but making sure they have a way of feeding themselves in the evening. And it uses up a lot of energy and time to take care of yourself.”

We are mid-way there…..the weekend beckons…dont give up too soon.



I shall wake up,

I shall pick myself up,

I shall discover the man,

The man I am meant to be.



I will not hit you again.

I will not lose my temper

I shall be the man in control.



I will stand tall,

I will look you in the eye

And tell you how much I love you.



I will come home early,

I will listen to you

I will be there for you.


Only if tomorrow comes……

Girls on fire!

The Daily Monitor yesterday reported that students of Kangole Girls School in Moroto tried to burn their school. The main reason is that the admistration denied them a chance to spend the night with the boys from Kaabong SS!!!!!!!!!

UPDF had to intervene to stop the fire.

What kind of girls are we training? Will these become mothers of the nation?

Read the full story HERE

And now…….

I was on kitchen duty last night. I prefer quick meals so I decided to prepare potato salad. My brother, observant a s he is, asks, “Hey Sibo, who invented mayonnaise?” I was dumbstruck.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “maybe the French.” I made a mental note to check this out after dinner. I use mayonnaise in many dishes and I did not know who invented it. This was not right.

I discovered that mayonnaise was invented in 1756 in France by Duke de Richelieu’s chef. So Iwas right!

In national news, the money allocated for investigating the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Global Fund has also disappeared.  What a country!!

It is mid-week, I can smell the weekend….

Superheroes in old age

Do you remember those days you spend lounging in front of the telly eternally tuned to Cartoon Network?

You would watch with ever-growing fascination the X-Men, Spiderman, Flash, etc…..

When age catches up with our revered superheroes, some of us will surely be heartbroken. Let me give you a glimpse on how they will look like….

1. Elektra.


2. Iron Man.


3. Flash.

Old Flash

4. Hulk.

Old Hulk

5.  Spiderman.

Old Spider Man

6. Wolverine.



Created by Donald Soffriti

Have a great week!!!!!