Monday aches

It is Monday again. I am in the office and my body aches terribly. Saturday, I went to Jinja for bungeeing & rafting – courtsey of ADRIFT. Now, I am terribly paying.

It was fun though. Actually fun is not the right word – EXHILARATING is the word. The jump from 44m high,the free fall – I flew.

Then the rafting trough all the rapids big & small, my team & I challenged them all – No flipping. We did it!

My back, tummy & arms hut from the rowing/paddling.

I hope you all had a great wknd as I did. Next time, you are free, pay a visit to ADRIFT – they will make it happen: the bungee jumping, the rafting.
It is totally AWESOME!

Thanks ADRIFT, you guys made my weekend!

Have a blessed week every one!

Weekend or weakened?

It has been a silent week around blogville.

Friday: Full day in office….then evening at Alliance Française for Tshila’s show while everyonelse was at Nyambura.

Saturday: I spent the whole of yesteday in Jinja. Actually the Rainforest Lodge is a dope place.

I finally got to see the source of the Nile.  I keep falling in love with our motherland………..aren’t we blessed?

Where should I visit next?

Have a bleesed week!

Status update

It is Saturday. I guess that is not news! The EU-UG village is on at Kololo Airstrip and from my observation it looks like Kampala has responded well considering that entrace fee is a mere 2,000 UGX for adults. the kids are having a blast. Unfortunately, I can join in the festivities, I have to represent my bosses at the company’s stall).

I am in mourning. My friend lost her father yesterday and she is heavy with a child.

I am still recovering from Bukedde’s bloody front page photos. Is it me or is murder on the increase in the country? Bamusse………Afudde! Headlines that declare nothing but doom (refer to:

I apologise for the absence from here. I have preparing for today throughout the week.

I leave you with this. Enjoy the weekend.

Age is just a number. Nice weekend!

Age is just a number. Nice weekend!

Today’s Quote

Consider God’s generosity towards you rather than your own unworthiness in His sight, and live in His strength, rather than in the thoughts of your own weakness.

St. Vincent de Paul.